Tech Newswire

SMART TaG Myanmar Moves into 3rd Phase

SMART Myanmar is continuing its work in a third phase as SMART TaG, a new project also funded by the European Union and co-funded by private sector partners (brands, retailers and factories). The project aims to expand and strenghten responsible and sustainable manufacturing practices across the Myanmar garment industry.


This new project phase, which began in May 2019 and was publicly launched in December, is funded by the European Union until 2022 and includes a new partner consortium involving sequa, amfori, the Confederation of Trade Unions Myanmar and the Centre for Economic and Social Development.


SMART Myanmar works in partnership with leading EU brands and business associations including Lindex and H&M, and fosters cooperation with multinational retailers and foreign investors to build deep-rooted business relations with Myanmar factories. Parallel to this, the branding initiative “Made in Myanmar” informs European and Myanmar consumers about Myanmar’s increasing orientation towards sustainable production in garment manufacturing.

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