Tech Newswire

US - India Deal Unlikely

The Trump administration announced in March 2019 that it would officially revoke India’s GSP status, after deciding India had failed to make sufficient improvements.


U.S. President Donald Trump's recent trip to India was hoped to result in a trade deal - at least a 'mini deal' where India would relax tariffs on some U.S. imports and in in return regain its GSP status.  So far, no deal has been made.


With a big domestic market, India has less incentives than other nations to push for a trade deal.  On the one hand, it wants to regain GSP status, on the other hand the government faces huge pressures from domestic industries that prefer protectionism to trade.


Heading into a U.S. presidential election, it is unlikely that establishing a trade agreement with India will be at the top of the presidential agenda. 



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